题目:济慈《秋颂》200周年:重读续论(Re-reading Keats’s “To Autumn” on Its Bicentenary)
代表作品:最新发表的论文有《拜伦在20世纪中国的变形》(载《英国浪漫主义在亚洲》,Palgrave,2019)、《中国的两个华兹华斯》(载《浪漫主义的遗产》,Routledge,2019)、《济慈、恩披里科与医学》(载《浪漫主义》杂志,2016)等;出版专著《济慈与延疑力问题考论》(Keats and Negative Capability, Continuum,2009)。
内容简介:This paper proposes to re-read Keats’s last great ode in connection with Hume’s mitigated scepticism. Placing the poem against the long journal letter Keats wrote to George and Georgiana on 17-27 September 1819, it will explore how the poem negotiates the metaphysical with the physical, the historical with the personal, and the artful with the natural. Inspired by the poet’s daily walk and immediate surrounding, the poem conveys the quiet power of common life, in the same way that Hume suggests that the metaphysical reasoning of excessive scepticism will vanish in the presence of daily occupation and real objects. A poem on the constant flux in the natural world and human life and no less on historical mutations, it shies away from discursive abstraction from the actual seasonal change and consequent sceptical thinking. Composed amidst Keats’s doubt about his poetic vocation and resolution to take up journalistic writing, the ode is retrospective of his poetic career yet in the least self-referential manner. With the effacement of the self in its evocative language, its removal of the dialectical impulses in the spring odes, and its non-Miltonic Englishness, the autumnal ode embodies a temperate scepticism in its own music.